I collect all of my craft 'waste' in a pretty jar - I hate to throw it away. But the jar was very full and I have been wondering what to do with it. Last Saturday we watched a bird gather materials for its nest. And it gave us an idea...
I gave the girls 22 gage brass wire and they wrapped it around a juice bottle to create a wire container for the clippings. The wire did not wrap well and it was a tad bit frustrating.
The girls ditched the bottles and decided to make their own baskets.
The baskets were super twee, but super small...
We found these corn holders for birds at the hardware store and decided to give them a try.
Success! The corn holders worked perfectly. Nola and Kira commented on the color, texture and size of each little piece of felt they put in the holder. Thinking of baby birds brought out all of the girls' nurturing tendencies and they spent over an hour filling these holders up.
Now we are waiting on the birds...
Quick Update:
The birds have started gathering some of our supplies. The other day I saw a cardinal taking some brown wool, and everyday there are different little pieces of fabric on the ground.
A reader suggested not offering bright colours for nests because it could attract predators, so I have taken out the really bright pieces.
Check out Paint Cut Paste for some nest zest and other lovely Waldorf inspired projects.